24 February 2009

The Flyer editorial: We're not socialists yet (backdated)

Personally, I originally thought that this editorial could have been better, but I heard a few compliments about it, including from my boss, the Honors Program Director, whose opinion of it I was rather grateful to hear.

Originally published in The Flyer on February 24th, 2009.


During the recent debate over the Obama administration’s stimulus package, the term "socialism" was bandied about both by some supporters and detractors. On a recent cover, Newsweek declared that "We Are All Socialists Now," while conservative critics attempted to rally opposition to the stimulus by ascribing the dreaded S word to it.... (Link to the article on The Flyer's website.)

23 February 2009

The Iconography of Barack Obama

Seriously, this is a little ridiculous. Not to mention blatantly obvious.

10 February 2009

The Flyer editorial: No one is perfect (backdated)

When I first finished this, I thought it was so-so, but a friend of mine loved it and mentioned how good it was several times after it was published. I've come around to her line of thinking and approve of the editorial now.

Originally published in The Flyer on February 10th, 2009.


A picture was published recently of swimmer Michael Phelps smoking out of a bong at a college party last November. Phelps admitted that he was using marijuana in the picture and apologized for his "bad judgment." So far, as a consequence of his actions, Phelps was dropped as a spokesman for Kellogg’s, USA Swimming barred him from competition for three months and he may face criminal charges. In addition, parents bemoan the failings of a role model for children. The controversy does, however, raise some important questions.... (Link to article on The Flyer's website.)